Our Partners

K’ómoks First Nation

Population: 330 members


3330 Comox Road
Courtenay, BC
V9N 3P8


Phone: 250.339.4545
Fax: 250.339.7053

Social Media

Email info@komoks.ca  
Facebook Page | Facebook Tags or mentions: @komoksfirstnation
Instagram | Instagram Tags or mentions: @komoksfirstnation

Puntledge River Estuary

There are four reserves, which make up the K’omoks First Nation. Comox Indian reserve, number 1 is located next to the town of Comox and Puntledge reserve number 2 runs along the Puntledge River next to the city of Courtenay and reserve number 3 is located on Goose Spit by Comox Harbour and reserve number 4 is located near Sayward.

For thousands of years, Sathloot, Sasitla, Ieeksun, Puntledge, Cha’chae, and Tat’poos, the ancestors of the K’omoks people, lived on their lands along eastern Vancouver Island.

K'omoks First Nation

K’omoks First Nation

For thousands of years, Sathloot, Sasitla, Ieeksun, Puntledge, Cha’chae, and Tat’poos, the ancestors of the K’omoks people, lived on their lands along eastern Vancouver Island. In their language they called their home ‘land of plenty’; a good name for an area that had plenty of fish, seafood, sea animals, wild game, birds, berries and natural medicines.

Today, evidence of their ancestors’ work can be seen in Comox Harbour where hundreds of wooden stakes used for tying fishing weirs protrude out of the mud along Dyke Road. These wooden stakes have stood the test of time and are evidence of the ingenuity of the people who harvested these waters for food and made their livelihood from the land and sea. These traditional territories continue to nurture and feed the K’omoks First Nation.

K’ómoks First Nation is a prosperous community where each member has the opportunity for self-sufficiency. We will move forward in partnership, exercising our Aboriginal rights and title, and respecting our historical connection to our lands and to one another.

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Sasamans Society

680 Head Start Crescent

Campbell River, BC

V9H 1P9


Main line: 250.914.2212

Toll-free: 888.597.2810

Fax: 250.914.2215

(see direct extensions on the staff directory page)